VLCC Classes & Studies

Fall, 2023

Young Ladies Bible Study


This semester we will look at a wonderful book by Anjie Smith called Seamless. The book helps us stitch the stories and themes of scripture together so we can better understand the bible as it is intended to be: one complete story.  

This class is for all youth group (middle school and high school) girls, and we would love to have moms join us as well!  TREATS ARE PROVIDED!
This class is for Moms & Daughters
Sunday mornings, 9:00-9:45am
September 17 - November 12

- 1 Corinthians 9:25 -

“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

Pursue the Crown

Classes and studies at Valley Life seek to help train and equip believers with knowledge and tools to better spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are called to make disciples, and part of the disciple making process is teaching and training in the Word of God.

Each semester, we offer studies in a variety of topics. We hope you will join Kristen VanderStelt this fall as we stitch together themes throughout the bible and stretch our knowledge of God’s Word.

Sign Up for the Class

Young Ladies - Sundays at 9am

This class starts on Sunday, September 17th at 9am. Meet Kristen VanderStelt in room 25.