Fall 2024

The Word of Lord: Seeing Jesus in the Prophets

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The Word of Lord Women's Bible Study 

The Word of Lord

In the Old Testament, God spoke to his people through prophets—men specially called to speak God’s Word to his people. The New Testament makes it clear that such prophets, whether chastising or comforting, testified to Israel’s final redemption and ultimate hope: Jesus the Messiah.

Over ten lessons of guided personal Bible study, relevant teaching, and group discussion, Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie will help you see the person and work of Christ in:

Hosea's willingness to redeem his unfaithful bride from slavery
Isaiah's divine King and suffering Servant, who will be punished for his people
Daniel's stone, not hewn by human hands, that will crush every human kingdom
Ezekiel’s vision of a city where we will enjoy Jesus’s presence forever