VLCC Classes & Studies

Winter/Spring, 2023

Spiritual Gifts & Disciplines

Spiritual Gifts & Disciplines 

In the first half of this class we will be “exploring your S.H.A.P.E. (skills, habits, abilities, personality and experience). What God made us to BE determines what He intends for us to DO. This class will help you understand the purpose God has created for you by exploring the kind of person he has created you to be. He has given each of us inborn talents and traits, spiritual gifts, and all sorts of life experiences to equip us for life in His kingdom. By reviewing and studying these factors, we can discover the unique way God intends for us to serve Him."  

The second half will aim to focus on the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, fasting, and sabbath. We will look at a Scriptural approach to these disciplines and discuss strategies on how to incorporate them into our daily lives.  
This class is for Everyone
Thursday evenings (every other week), 6:30-7:30pm

January 11 - May 14

- 1 Corinthians 9:25 -

“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

Pursue the Crown

Classes and studies at Valley Life seek to help train and equip believers with knowledge and tools to better spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are called to make disciples, and part of the disciple making process is teaching and training in the Word of God.

Each semester, we offer studies in a variety of topics. We hope you will join Vinnie Hanke & Kevin Bailey for this class on Spiritual Gifts & Disciplines.

Sign Up for the Class

Spiritual Gifts - Thursdays at 6:30pm

This class starts on Thursday, January 11th at 6:30pm. Meet Vinnie Hanke and Kevin Bailey in room 21-22.
Listen to the Class