VLCC Classes & Studies

Fall, 2023

Cultural Apologetics:  Christian Engagement in 21st Century Issues 

Cultural Apologetics

1 Peter 3:15 instructs us to “be ready at any time” to give our defense. This course offers an introduction to apologetic methods and addresses some of the cultural issues we are currently facing.

There are two young fish swimming in the ocean. An older fish comes along and asks, “How’s the water, boys?” The young fish ask, “What’s water?” and continue swimming by. A lot of times we play the role of the young fish, not realizing the cultural water in which we are swimming. This course gives you tools to understand the culture from a biblical worldview so we can reach our neighbors with the gospel.
This class is for Everyone
Thursday evenings, 6:30-7:30pm

September 7 – December 7 (every other week) 

- 1 Corinthians 9:25 -

“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

Pursue the Crown

Classes and studies at Valley Life seek to help train and equip believers with knowledge and tools to better spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are called to make disciples, and part of the disciple making process is teaching and training in the Word of God.

Each semester, we offer studies in a variety of topics. We hope you will join Kevin Bailey this fall as we address cultural issues from a biblical perspective and stretch our knowledge of God’s Word.

Sign Up for the Class

Apologetics - Thursdays at 6:30pm

This class starts on Thursday, September 7th at 6:30pm. Meet Kevin Bailey in room 25.